Configure Magemaker for your cloud providers
Azure CLI
To install Azure SDK on MacOS, you need to have the latest OS and you need to use Rosetta terminal. Also, make sure you have the latest version of Xcode tools installed.
To install the latest Azure CLI, run:
Alternatively, follow this official guide from Azure
Once you have installed azure CLI, follow these steps
Azure Account
Step 1: Create azure cloud account
Login to Azure
Select Subscription
Create Resource Group
From the terminal
From the Azure Portal
Create ML Workspace
From the terminal
From the Azure portal
Search for
Azure Machine Learning
in the search bar. -
Inside the
Azure Machine Learning
portal. Click on Create, and selectNew Workspce
from the drop down
Registration can take up to 10 minutes. Check status with: bash az provider show -n Microsoft.MachineLearningServices