To install Azure SDK on MacOS, you need to have the latest OS and you need to use Rosetta terminal. Also, make sure you have the latest version of Xcode tools installed.

Follow this guide to install the latest AWS CLI

Once you have the CLI installed and working, follow these steps

AWS Account


Create AWS Account

Register for an AWS account and sign-in to the console.


Navigate to IAM

From the console, use the Search bar to find and select IAM (do not use IAM Identity Center, which is confusingly similar but a totally different system).

You should see the following screen after clicking IAM.


Create or Select User

  1. Select Users in the side panel

  1. Create a user if you don’t already have one


Add Required Permissions

  1. Click on “Add permissions”

  1. Select “Attach policies directly”. Under permission policies, search for and tick the boxes for:
    • AmazonSagemakerFullAccess
    • IAMFullAccess
    • ServiceQuotasFullAccess

Then click Next.

The final list should look like the following:

Click “Create user” on the following screen.


Generate Access Keys

  1. Click the name of the user you’ve just created (or one that already exists)
  2. Go to “Security Credentials” tab
  3. Scroll down to “Access Keys” section
  4. Click “Create access key”
  5. Select Command Line Interface then click next

Enter a description (this is optional, can leave blank). Then click next.

Store BOTH the Access Key and the Secret access key for the next step. Once you’ve saved both keys, click Done.